geralt, "Banner Header You and I", 1/6/16, CC0 Public Domain
1. Based on your analysis, how effective is your pronoun usage in Project 1? What does actively examining your pronoun usage tell you about your writing style?
After posting the list of my Pronouns used in my QRG I found that I used very few pronouns. Instead of using pronouns I used a lot of proper nouns which made my essay seem really wordy. Reviewing this QRG has shown me that I don't like to use pronouns and I tend to use the name of the company or person. The reason I think I do this is so I can keep track of who I am talking about when I am writing the essay or QRG.
2. Are there any instances in your project where you speak to or refer directly to the audience? If so, how effective are these moments at creating a bond or connection between audience and author? If not, why not? Explain why you're choosing to leave your audience out of your writing. There's nothing wrong with that, per se, but you should be able to give a sophisticated explanation of your choices.
There are no instances where I speak directly to the audience. The reason I choose to exclude the audience is that I have been taught for many years not to. I am also used to writing essays were it is not the best idea to do so and makes the paper seem less professional. But I can see that for this type of project, connecting with the audience is probably advisable because it will help draw their attention to the topic. In the re-write of the QRG I will most definitely be using this method. You think this is a good idea or what?
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