
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

Working on a project in stages can help to make sure that each of its peices is able to function independent of the rest of its parts. Reporting on the progress allows for others to observe the process and insure that I am on track.

This project uses the Genre of Podcasts.

Outline Section:
Body #1: Time Management

One of the most important effects this class had on me was my time management. Up until this class I had always done things the night before they were due. I would write 6 pages essays the night before and turn it in without reviewing it (schreching tires). It worked out really well in high school and for the first semester in college. I even started using this method in the beginning of this semester but I have quickly learned that that I can't always do this and that I must plan out when I need to get certain parts of the project finished. I have always been secretly proud (sound of trumpets) that I can figure out roughly how long something will take me and then wait until the last possible second to do it. Usually it would always be the night before. But with the second project, I found that it just wasn't possible to do everything last minute. For those of you who don't know, I did my second project using the genre of a video essay. Video essays require lots of editing to look good. So I foresaw this and started working on it throughout the week so I wouldn't be rushed at the last minute. This started a habit, more like a goal, for the rest of the semester. I have since worked on all my projects throughout the week and not waited until the last minute. This habit has transfered over to some of my classes most notably math and physics where I have been doing the homework at least two days before it is due. This has relieved a lot of stress which has in turn affected something else dear to my writting process: Sleep. (sound of snoring) (transition to next section).

Question Answers:
1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
I chose to use sound effects and transition music for this genre. I am going to record myself saying this as well.
2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
The production went swell and there were no hiccups (just burps), challenges (except for the occational knight passing by), successes (other than defeating the dragons), or creative eiphanies (except for those of letters to the dear maidens. Haha! On Guard!)


  1. Hey Ben! I think this is a really good start to your final project! I like the way you explain HOW you have progressed throughout the course and why you needed to change your ways. The only thing that I have to say is to check your spelling on a few things. For example, you said "6 pages essays" and just silly things like that. But for global editing, I think that your ideas are really good!

  2. Hey Ben!
    I really like the direction of your project so far and how you are already thinking of the genre conventions you will need to include in your podcast. I can definitely relate to this section and I like how you are staying relatable to the audience, yet almost teaching something also in a very nonchalant way. Good job so far and keep up with that time management!

