
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Peer Review 10a

Peer review is an important step in the creation of a finished product. It allows for outsiders to make sure the person or group working on the project understand what they are doing and help them if they do not. Here is my review.

Production Schedule

Alexis Morrison

Peer Review Activity:
Resource Recommendation on Production Schedule

First off, I'd like to say that I really liked how you made the production schedule into sections that were similar and explained what needed to be done in them. I think this makes it makes it easier to see what needs to be done at around the same time. The only problem with this would be that you have to go searching around to find which task you want to do first. A suggestion I have is that you might want to spread out you production schedule a bit because I see that most of the work is done on Friday and Saturday. This might be a lot of work to do in two days with the blog posts and other homework as well. Other than that, good job! Good Luck on the Project.

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