
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 12b

Editing is an important part of the writing process. It allows for peers to review how we are doing and help us improve. Here is my editorial report.

Rough Draft Section:

The third largest producer of electricity is nuclear power plants. Uranium nuclear power plants currently produce around a quarter of all the electricity for the United States. Nuclear energy is a clean source of energy, unlike coal and natural gas. In recent years there has been a movement for the governments of the world to look at a second type of nuclear power. Thorium based nuclear reactors are being looked at by governments like China and India as a solution to the growing concerns for electrical production. Thorium has three main reasons for being a better option for nuclear power than Uranium: it is a more abundant in nature, is an efficient resource, and the reaction is safer for the environment, even with the possibility for the creation of nuclear weapons.

Edited Section:

According to the International Energy Agency the amount of electricity used in 2013 was roughly 20 terawatts. Most of it comes from the burning of coal and some of it from the burning of natural gas. The third largest producer of electricity is nuclear power plants. Uranium nuclear power plants currently produce around a quarter of all the electricity for the United States. Nuclear energy is a clean source of energy, unlike coal and natural gas. In recent years there has been a movement for the governments of the world to look at a second type of nuclear power that is consider by many as the solution to our growing electrical woes. Thorium based nuclear reactors are being looked at by governments like China and India as a solution to the growing concerns for electrical production. But what makes Thorium based reactors a better source of energy than Thorium? Thorium has three main reasons for being a better option for nuclear power than Uranium: it is a more abundant in nature, is an efficient resource, and the reaction is safer for the environment, even with the possibility for the creation of nuclear weapons.

1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?
For the edited version of this introductory paragraph, I added a better grabber sentence onto the beginning section of the paper. I also added better transitions from the grabber to the Thesis sentence. I think this will make the paper flow better.
2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?
The form did not change at all. This editting just made the paper longer and flow better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben, so I'm here to make a content suggestion for you. So there's one thing that sticks out to me that I feel needs to be addressed. So your section comes off kind of choppy, especially the first few sentences. If you can find a way to blend these sentences better, I think you'll be in great shape. The ideas you're getting across are great, so I think if you just restructure them, you'll be good to go for this part of your project.
