
Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

sandra_schoen, "Laptop Network", 5/12/2014, CC0 Public Domain

1. What did you learn about your own project (or the project in general) by comparing drafts of the same project in different genres?
After comparing the drafts of my peers to my own draft I realized that I need to do more research on the arguements of the opposing sides. In Neej's blog, he describes why people disagree with Obamacare. This made me realize that I only explained who was against the controversy. I also realized that I need to explain myself in the article and the sources I used.

2. I want you to plan on doing revision between now and our next class meeting on Tuesday. Tell me the top three issues or problems with your draft in its current form and what you plan on doing over the weekend to address those issues.
Issue 1: I need more information on the QRG itself. I focused mainly on the disaster and not so much on the controversy it caused
Issue 2: I need to expand my explainations of my sources
Issue 3: I did very little analyzing of the information I was given. I need to spend more of the paragraph analyzing instead of spitting out information.

3. Tell me the top three strengths of your draft. How/why are these things strengths? How will you build on them to make the rest opf the draft as strong?
The strengths of my graph were the graphics, use of quotes, and the use of white space. To make the rest of the QRG strong I am going to try and reference the graphics in the text and analyze what they mean to the audience. I will also do the same for the quotes.

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