
Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Field of Study

Typewriter, Antique, Retro, Keyboard, Vintage, Old
Unsplash, "Antique Typewritter", 12/29/15, CC0 Public Domain

1. What do students in your program or department learn how to do?
Students in my deparment learn how to improve chemical processes and to design more efficent processes. A major part of my discipline is reaction controll. Students learn about mass transfer through fluids and thermodynamics.

2. What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?
Usually people in this field go and get jobs with companies that produce chemicals. Companies like Tide and Dove are examples. Chemical Engineers also go to work for petroleum companies like Exon Mobile and BNP. A surprising industry chemical engineers go to is cosmetics.

3. What drew you to this field?
What drew me to this field was my love of chemistry and math. What also fascinated me was the designing of massive chemical processes and how everything works. I also like thermodynamics so there is a bonus as well. Something that inspired me is that Elon Musk is a chemical engineer who is one of the most successful men of the century.

4. Name three of the leaders/most exciting people involved in this field right now in 2016. Why are they interesting or exciting to you? These could be individual people or specific companies, organizations, businesses or non-profits. Hyperlink us to a homepage professional website for each person, if possible.
   1. Elon Musk- The reason for my interest in Elon Musk is his determination to stick to his ideas and how much work he does to make sure they come true.
   2. Charles G. Koch- I am interested in Charles Koch because he is a very successful man in the chemical engineering industry.
   3. David H. Koch- I am interested in David Koch because he, like his brother, is a very rich and sucessful businessman and chemical engineer

5. What are the names of three leading academic/scholarly journals in your field? Where are they published? Give us the names and locations of at least 3. (HINT: If you have no idea what the answer to this question is, try Googling “What are the top academic journals in [insert field of study]?” and peruse the results). Make the titles of each journal into a working hyperlink to the website for that publication. (NOTE: if your links aren’t included or don’t work or if the page it directs us to is blocked from public view, I will not be able to assign you full credit for this exercise).
1. Chemical Engineering Joural - Published online
2. Journal of Chemical Enginering & Process Technology - Globally published online
3. AIChE Journal - Published online

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