
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Content Outline

When creating a project it is important to create an outline of what it will look like. This allows for the project to be designed better.

Video Essay

Idea's For grabber
  1. Opening sequences of a person giving a speech, then a transition to a person sending emails, then transition to a pile of research essays. The narrator explaining each aspect of the sections briefly then ending with how they all come together for Chemical Engineering.
  2. Images and video of chemical engineers at work with a narrator talking about how chemical engineers might have jobs all over the world but they all have to write. Then more talking about genre.
Why knowing Chemical Engineering genres matter
It is important to understand what employers and the professional world expect newly graduated chemical engineers to understand and create. It is important to know their conventions as well as the genres themselves so when graduates have to write their first piece they know what it should look like.
Body #1

Main idea
The main idea of this section is to show the genre of research grants and to explain what they are and why they are important to know.
Major pieces of evidence and explanation
  1. Video of Professor Blowers and his Grant writting experience (23:30-26:09)
    • The evidense proves that is is a very important genre in Chemical engineering for professors and researchers because it is how they get funding to do research.
    • This is important because it is a first hand display of the requirements for grant writting and the unpublished side of writting them.
  2. Pictures of grants by the government
    • This evidense proves the different conventions of grant writting and what exactly chemical engineers need to do to fill them out.
    • This is important because it shows what engineers must know before they submit the grant.
  3. Analyze: Logical Appeals, Purpose

Body #2

Main idea
The main idea of this section is to show the genre of technical presentations and what they entail.
Major pieces of evidence and explanation
  1. Video of a presentation given by a chemical engineer
    • This evidense is to show what the genre is and a visual representation of the conventions of presentations.
    • This is important because it shows the audience what the genre is. Most people are also better at understanding when they have something to see that is what their end result is.
  2. Video of Dr. Blowers and his experiences with presentations
    • This evidense shows how often the genre of presentations is used in chemical engineering.
    • This is important because it shows that making and presenting presentations is important to chemical engineers.
  3. Analyze: Logical Appeals, Audience


Body #3
Main idea
The main idea of this section is to show the genre of research reporting and essays.
Major pieces of evidence and explanation
  1.  Images of sections of research essays
    • This evidense gives a visual representation of what a research essay entails and shows the layout of the genre.
    • This is important because knowing the layout of research essays is vital to creating one that is compliant with other written in chemical engineering.
  2. Video of Dr. Blowers and different essays he has written
    • This evidense shows how often this genre is used and how important it is to know as a chemical engineer.
    • This is important because it shows how most of the work of a chemical engineer is displayed to the rest of the world through research papers and how knowing them will make life a whole lot easier.
  3. Analyze: Logical Appeals, Credibility, Context (maybe)

Larger significance of Chemical Engineering Genes
Engineers can be the smartest people in the world, but if they can't communicate their ideas, they are useless. Knowing different methods or genres to communicate ideas can help a chemical engineer's career massively. Knowing the genres' conventions is important because it gives an advantage against those who don't.

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