janeb13, "New York Times Newspaper", 1942, CC0 Public Domain
1. Give us the name of each interviewee and write a short summary of the kinds of professional publications they've authored (according to their website, CV and/or other easily findable online resources that list their publications). You don't need to include all the bibliographic information for their publications, just the basic facts.
Dr. Blowers= Professor blowers has published a dozen or so research papers on the impact of certain chemicals and chemical reactions on the environment. He also has created a dissertation for his doctoral degree called "Engineering Approximations for Chemical Kinetics. His LinkedIn profile has posts about current and former students who he is recommending.
2. Track down a few of their publications online. Be sure to examine at least two different publications by each interviewee (and hyperlink us to the two examples for each). What professional genres has each interviewee written in? Explain how these genres differ from each other, according to conventions, formatting, techniques, content, and anything else that seems relevant to describe.
Dr. Blowers= The adsorption of mercury-species on relaxed and rumpled CaO (001) surfaces investigated by density functional theory
Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Refrigerant Choices in Room Air Conditioner Units
Professor Blowers has mainly published in the genre of research essays and scientific journal articles. The conventions of this genre are graphs, data tables, specific headings and sub headings, concise, explanation of results and derivations of equations.
3. What is the context surrounding the two different pieces published by each of your interviewees? (See the bulleted questions on Student's Guide page 180 for specific questions about context). Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers.
Dr. Blowers= The main theme of his pieces is protecting the environment from hazardous chemicals in the air. The context for his pieces could be that in the 2000's and 2010's there have been lots of support for research on saving the environment from global warming and greenhouse gases.
4. What is the overall message of each piece? How did you decide this? Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers.
Dr. Blowers= The message of the first publication is that Calcium oxide surfaces can be used to absorb Mercury Chloride which is sometimes a byproduct of coal fumes. I looked at the abstract to determine this. The Abstract's purpose is to summarize the purpose and results of the experiment. The second publication's message is that the current cooling agents used in refrigerators (r-22 and r-134a) produce more emissions than substitutes like ammonia or dimethyl ether. I also found this in the Abstract of the document.
5. What purpose is each piece trying to achieve? Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers.
Dr. Blowers= Both pieces were trying to find the best method to achieve a desired outcome. In the first publication the purpose is report on the findings which were trying to determine the best surfaces to absorb Mercury Chloride. The second publication was to report on the findings on better cooling agents for refrigerators that don't produce as much emissions.
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