
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Local Revisions: Tense Usage

To create an interesting peice of work, the author must understand the verbs he uses and try to make them as engagng as possible.
Clipboard, Mark, Score, Business, Check, List
PeteLinforth, "Clipboard", 1/8/16, CC0 Public Domain

List of Verbs and Their Tenses
Past Present  Future
Caused Began Open
Shut Backing Help
Flooded Using Decide
Suffered Exploding Take
Damaged Isn't Prevent
Exploded Ensure
Hit Experiencing
Relied Pushing
Placed Destroying
Put Causing
Made Explode
Forced Reaching

1. Which tense is the most prevalent in your draft?
The past tense is the most prevalent tense in my daft.

2. What effect or tone/quality does the current usage of tense have on the reader/viewer/listener?
The use of the past tense in the QRG creates a calm mood. The QRG feels boring and very bland. When the present tense is used, the QRG becomes more colorful and exciting because it allows the reader to feel like they are living the event.

3. If you're using more than one tense in the draft (which is not a bad thing at all), do the shifts between different tenses in the piece make sense? How do they flow? Are there any jarring or dischordant shifts in tense?
The shifts in tense flow logically and are usually separated by sub-heading. There are some instances where the tenses are jarring where mid-sentence the tense changes. These will be fixed in the final draft.

4. If you have not employed any present tense verbs in your piece - why not? Are there any moments of crescendo or dramatic action in the story you're telling that could benefit from being described or told in the present tense? Remember, present tense has an immediacy to it. It puts the audience right into the story as it is unfolding. It's a powerful technique. Could your piece benefit from that technique? How and why?
I used a few present tense verbs but not as many as I should. Using the present tense will crete a more intimate feeling to the story, bring the audience in. My QRG would definitely benefit from this because the topic iself can be a slightly boring read.

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