
Monday, January 18, 2016

My Writing Process

Gaba, Eric. "A Hard Disk Head with Arm on a Platter" 7/31/2010. Creative Commons License.

Writing has never been my favorite thing to do. I find sitting at a computer typing or at a desk writing for hours to be time that I could be using with something else. I'd rather spend my time playing sports, watching Netflix, or reading. But when I do have to write something, I put it off as long as I can.

Question 1: What type(s) of writer do you consider yourself to be?
I like to think of myself as a slow writer. When I write essays I write easch paragraph very slowly and constently make changes to the paragraph as I am writing it. It is not uncommon for me to change the previous sentence inorder to make the one I am working on flow better as I am in the middle of writing it. I also tend to put off writing the essay until a few hours before it is due. This gives me more time to think about what I will write.

Question 2: Does your writing process include several of the above approaches? If so, which ones?
Based on the descriptions of the different approaches mentioned in the "Discovering Your Writing Process" article, I would consider myself to be a mixture of Heavy Planners and Procrastinators. I spend very little time revising my draft after it has been written but spend a majority of my effort making sure the first draft is the best. The Procrastinator side of me waits until the last minute and doesn't create a second draft.

Question 3: Does your writing process seem to be successful? What are the strengths and weaknesses of yur approach?
I would say my writing approach is successful but not the best success story out there. My writing process is good enough to pass classes with a decent grade, but rarely ever produces the top results. The strengths of the process are consise essays and more time to do other things. The weaknesses are the essay will have numerous mistakes and might not contain everything it needs to.

Question 4: Do you think it might be benificial for you to try a different approach? Why or why not?
I definitely think trying a different approach will be benificial. If I was to change my approach from procrastination to sequential composer I would be able to plan my essays to have everything that it needs and get great results.

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