Geralt, "Project Labrynth", 6/6/2014, Creative Commons Public Domain
What are you most confused by or nervous about in regards to the four major projects?
I am most confused about the difference in the first and third projects. The first is the Postmortem Controversy and the second is a Public Argument which to me seem to be the same thing. I am most nervous about the third project because it has the most weight on my grade.
What are you most interested in or excited by in regards to the four major projects?
I am interested in the second project because we have to interview people who work in our fields of study. I do not know very many people who are chemical engineers and am very interested in seeing what a daily life as a chemical engineer is like. Also this project will help me network with chemical engineers and professors.
Based on yur understanding of the major projects, what are the elements of this course that you have to plan ahead for? How will the coursework described in the four project assignments sheets challenge your time management skills this semester?
The elements that I will need to plan ahead for are the pre-production because, in most of my past essays and other writing assignments, I did very little pre planning. These projects are going to cause me to plan to incorporate pre-production into my process. The coursework will challenge me by making time to meet with other people (Rhetorical Investigation) and to do the project bit by bit, not all at once.
How has your past English coursework in high school or college prepared you for the challenges of this course? What skills will you bring into the course with you?
The past coursework in my high school english class has prepared me for the long assignments and understanding the importance of turning in assignments in on time. The skills I learned in my high school English class and other college classes is determination. I will always get assignments done before the assignment is due.
Do you have any questions about the four major projects that haven't been answered by the assignment sheets? What do you still want to know?
The only question that I can think of is what separates the first project from the third project? To me they seem to be the exact same project with a different name. They are both about some type of argument going on in the world.
Neeraj Vij's Blog
After reading Neeraj's blog, I realized that some controversies in my major might not be easy to write or create an aurgument about. There are many controversies but not all of them are interesting to me. This made me realize that the hardest part of the projects might be finding an idea.
Gabriela Marty's Blog
Gabriela's blog post made me remember not to panic when I am given all the work for the projects because it will definately be more than I had in high school and probably more than I have had in my other classes. Time management will be very important in being successful in this class.
I appreciate your determination in getting work done, a pretty admirable characteristic for so much work. I relate to you in needing to get more used to having to do a lot more pre-planning than I did in high school.
ReplyDeleteAnd in response to your confusion over the Controversy Postmortem and the Public Argument I think the difference between them is that with the Postmortem you are only going through a past discourse that has happened or is happening and describing it and the reasons and arguments behind it, you are not arguing it. In the Public Argument you are taking a stance and building your own argument surrounding a discourse.
I am also really interested in the interviews we will be conducting. It will be exciting to learn more about different aspects of different fields. I can also relate to your concern about the focus on pre planning in many of the assignments. Time management always seems to be the most difficult part of many assignments.
ReplyDeleteOverall, your post is well written. Each response is cohesive and to the point. Your writing is engaging and interesting. It goes along with the components of a blog.